Woman had pictures taken without her consent by a male nurse after her operation

"I did not specify same sex care when I had my operation in a Scottish hospital. It was a complicated surgery and I ended up in critical care. The male nurse was called 'N.' He was much older than me, was soon to retire he said, and seemed kind. But when he was helping me use the portable toilet, he commented on my bum. He did this twice. I saw him looking at me through the curtains. He took photos of me and sent them to his friends - he showed me the messages he got in response. I felt like my privacy had been violated but I didn’t report him - I was in pain and didn’t think anyone would believe me. He got my phone number and sent me messages after I was home - I kept them for a while thinking I would complain. I regret that I didn’t - I’m sure it was not about me and that other women may have also been treated this way, or worse. It was not a safe space for women with this male nurse there."